Border Missions – Penitas, TX –

We are going back to Penitas beginning in June to impact a family in some huge ways. We are wanting to build a home for a single-parent family. This is another massive task, and will require the support of our entire church family!

We need:
-people who will go with us to build the house, including team leaders who can oversee various aspects of construction.
-people who will give financially to make this a reality.
-people who will commit to praying and asking for God’s provision, protection, and guidance throughout the process.

The cost to build this house will be $18,000 and we do not have time to waste! We have just over 3 months to raise this money. We will begin construction on June 9th with our Sanctus Students complete the house through a series of follow-up trips. If everything goes as scheduled, we will complete the house in one month. Plan on a weekend trip with us one of the weekends in June.

We are asking that you pray and seek the Lord’s face for this! Ask Him to lead you to participate as sacrificially as you can and for Him to be MOST glorified in your participation!

In coordination with this trip, we want to bless the people of Penitas with hygiene kits. We have cards at the Penitas table with the items needed to accomplish this. Grab a card, and bring your items back to the church in May.

If you have any questions, please contact pastor matt at

See the following video for a glimpse of what we were able to accomplish on our last trip!